My Journey: From Fired to Fired Up
I was a school teacher, I did get fired, and I did start my life over. Standing up for what you believe in isn't easy - but it's worth it.
My life changed in 2021 when a video of me, a High School Spanish teacher, speaking at a school board meeting went VIRAL. This wasn't just any school board meeting, it was actually the school board where I was employed at the time - I was taking a major risk. A lot of things happened after going viral... I was on television, I was speaking at events, I was getting to use my voice to encourage others. BUT THEN, everything changed for me.

I was leading my community, empowering those around me to step up and be brave
What happened next was to be expected, but it was still shocking that it actually happened to me. I couldn't believe that I was the guy whose story would be told for years to come.
I was fired.
After growing in local influence, rallying parents to show up for school board meetings, and becoming a figure in local and national media at the time - I got fired from my job as a school teacher. My life was flipped upside down. After I got fired I did file a federal lawsuit against my former employer and started figuring out how to start my life over outside of my career in education. Finding a job was difficult to say the least, no one in my area would hire me due to the controversy surrounding my firing. This forced me to start a small construction business where I was building fences in the hot Louisiana heat with my bare hands. There's definitely a lot more to this story, but hopefully reading this gives you a brief overview.
But now i'm FIRED UP.
People from all over the United States of America reached out to me, encouraged me, and expressed how much they appreciated me standing up against indoctrination in schools. Since getting fired i've been able to speak on major news networks, share my testimony at summer camps, travel the country speaking at events (both large and small!), even was invited to share my perspectives regarding education on a global stage in Thailand! Even today, i'm still able to share my story and encourage others to stand their ground no matter what. It's been a crazy journey - but i'm here for the ride. Soon i'll be in Istanbul, Turkey speaking on education, women's rights, and other culturally relevant topics. There's also a chance that America will be seeing me on one of the most watched talk shows on television in the very near future. I constantly wrestle with the idea of being silent, living a quiet life, and doing what most people do - but I truly believe God has a special path for my life and i'm going to submit fully to it. Are you here for the journey? Visit my site to see ways you can stay connected and support the work i'm doing.
No one knows the future, only God. So i'm living life one day at a time trusting that he's leading a guiding me every step of the way!
Do you want to be brave, but don't know how to find the courage to stand tall or what to do if something happens to you for standing up? I've got a solution for that, click here to learn more and lets work together.